Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Tribute to my Dad, Marshall Klarfeld, from his Daughter

A Tribute to my Dad, Marshall Lee Klarfeld

from his Daughter.  

 Written August 2, 2019

Published January 1st, 2020

Celebrating my Dad’s life, as we more fully release his Spirit on its Spirit Journey, and  celebrate his brilliant, beautiful, sweet, full life.

It is known in Jewish Tradition that there is not a lot of talk of the afterlife, or of the life of the Spirit or Soul. When I ask Rabbi’s they say, “the spirit of the deceased lives on in the hearts of their loved ones.”

I believe there is much more to it than the friendly things Jewish friends write on social media, like “May he be written in the Book of Life.” A lot of it’s too limiting and hypothetical to really sooth my grief, or my curiosity.

I once asked my Dad, what he felt was his greatest soul gift.  At first he had to think about it.  After some contemplation he said, “My curious mind is my greatest soul gift and driving force. I’ve been driven by my curious mind, to seek answers, for as long as I can remember!”

In my Dad’s third impassioned career, this drive and gift really got to bloom! I didn’t always agree with every piece of data he felt so impassioned by. I remember crying, and arguing when he colluded with my Cal Mom, and excitedly read me pages of their screenplay about this raping, pillaging god king Gilgamesh. I could not fathom why my Dad was impassioned about such a seeming asshole, in early human literature. I certainly didn’t see my father in such a  light! Still this was endlessly fascinating to my Dad!

My Dad had a passion for the Great Books, ancient philosophies, the great religions of the world, our origins, astronomy, astrology, disco dancing, Santana, Tchaikovsky, musical theater, swing dancing, biorhythms, tennis, golf, sailing, skiing, ancient cultures, ancient aliens, leadership, politics, idealism, comedy, the arts, drama, television, movies, dance, scientific discovery, the great minds of his Cal Tech Professors, music, engineering, photography, film, self mastery, mind bending conversations, leading the field in sales, improving humanity, peace, war, economics, romance, family, babies, children, understanding, kindness, love, team-building, news, politics, travel, helping, racing, competing, and winning, harmony, beauty, clarity, and even buddhist chants.

He had a passion for women, and partnership, having attempted love multiple times, including three substantial marriages. He had a passion for excellence in work, innovating, and setting the bar high, in 4 major careers, selling televisions, sales management in scaffolds, real estate, and finally promoting and cataloging our stellar origins, from doubt, wonder, and disbelief, to impassioned questioning, research, leadership, writing, showcasing, lectures, social media presence, global friendships, fans, and panel discussions. He and my California Mom got to love and cherish each other for 30 plus enriching and dear years. He used to say they both learned how not to do it, in their first 2 marriages.

He once told me that when I was first adopted to he and my Mom, Judy, he was amazed at how he learned from me, from the very first day.  He read Dr. Spock books, and years later told interested friends of how he practiced respecting and encouraging me to think and plan for myself, and reason best choices, when I was 5 and 6 years young, inviting me to figure out my own solutions. His example, decades later, was that if I wanted to play in the sandbox, after attending a birthday party, in my party dress, he would ask, “What do you think you need to do first?” Back then, I didn’t know that most children were not met with such heightened levels of respect and honoring, as young children, by their parents. In later years, when I faced challenges, and or got in trouble, he would ask me unconventional questions like, “Well what do you want to do?” and “What did you learn?” He helped pave the way for me to be a Visionary, by seeing me fully, being awed by life and being awed by me, and our adventures and play.

His iconoclast Mother, my Nana, raised him to be kind, loving, harmonious, caring, style conscious, original, responsible, global, adventurous, and fueled by wonder, and the power of positive thinking.

Dad used to say “we are each, only one grain of sand, making up the whole beach.” He was a peaceful, empowered man, who was also vulnerable, kind hearted, impassioned, and real.

Upon his brother’s death, Dad remarked of how he lost his first best friend. My Dad loved people, and was inspired by those who impressed him, especially his wife, Mary, his children, step children, brother, family, associates, and friends.  He also loved technology, and his learning curve for keeping up with it, was always impressive.

Still some of my favorite attributes my Dad carried throughout his life, included his inner resources of peace, strength, warmth, and kindness, hope, and encouragement. I used to tell people that my Dad never acted like he felt like shit, and it was the fault of others. I never really saw him scapegoat people, to offload his pain.  I saw him swear on the highway, when I was young. I can count on one hand the times he got mad, and usually for a good reason, or out of love, caring and concern.

So when people ask me about my grief, at his passing, I feel more gratitude for all the ways he taught, guided, encouraged, loved, and inspired me and others, for so much of my life. I always felt grateful, uplifted, loved and soothed, to talk to, visit, share adventures, and communications with my Dad. Many friends envied what a special connection I got to partake in, as daughter of my unique Dad.

Some of his inner resources were rooted deep within, and some were hard won, over time and challenging human circumstances. He could also be stubborn, headstrong, unrealistic, and overbearing, when the conversation allowed him to riff on something he was impassioned over. Most of the Klarfeld’s share these traits.

I remember when he went from being impatient, impersonal, and short with food servers, to getting me a job at the Hard Rock Cafe, below TRI, and later he and Mary learned memory tricks, and took pleasure in enjoying personal connections with coffee and food servers, and practiced memory tricks to remember new people and waitress’ names.

I remember my Dad as wise, caring, loving, concerned, sensitive, impassioned, creative, competitive, balanced, clear, clever, kind, warm, original, magical, optimistic, driven, adventuresome, fun, focused, neat, willing, positive, curious, and innocent. I joke that I never saw a sweater out of place, or left on a chair, at their home.  He was disciplined, playful, and deeply appreciative.  He was awed by life, even when he didn’t agree with all aspects of it.

I remember special times when he let me guide him in hypnotherapy sessions, Theta Healing sessions, Past Life Regression, and Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions.  He was more private than I know how to be. Yet simultaneously, he was a public figure, trailblazing for all he held dear, and of interest.

To me, my Dad was an early Starseed, a Galactic Volunteer, a scientist, a free thinker, an athlete, a global traveler, an admitted geek, a socialite, a patron of the arts, my dad, and one of my dearest and best soul friends. We shared so much grace, respect, clarity, love, encouragement, kindness, caring, adventures, and fun.

I regret that I did not dance with him, a little more. Still all our shared smiles, laughs, understanding, debates, talks, hopes, dreams, and challenges, conversations, and phone calls, guidance, and agreements to disagree, were rooted in a special kind of peace, and caring. They still infuse me with strength, love, wholeness and confidence. My reserves are filled with heart, LOVE, loyalty, goodness, cheer, faith, caring, and kindness, Grace, clarity, valuing, and vision, thanks to this special beloved being, I got to be shaped by, loved, and to know sweetly, as my Dad! I have a giant passion for LIFE, thanks to my Dad.

Some days, the reality of the Rabbi’s wisdom, grounds me back on the Earth plane, facing the passing of the Soul from Earth, who was my Dad. And I feel joy as I adjust to the reality that, yes, it’s true, I,  at times, experience my Dad living on in my heart, and through my actions, my memories, and my feelings, and thoughts.  

I feel him in the tiniest moments, and in the challenging moments, and in so many personal spontaneous experiences. Mary and I say, “I wish Dad were here, he’d know just what to say!”

Or I might be driving a curving road to fast, and I think, and feel Dad’s Spirit guiding me to slow down, and be safe. Or maybe I am feeling challenges in life, or judgements from within, or child-like vulnerabilities, and fear, and or rage and sadness. Then I think of my Dad’s life, presence, Spirit, influence, and ways, and his energies bring me peace, contentment, purpose, joy, and a feeling of feeling fully loved.  

Sometimes I feel mad and sad, and hurt, and ripped off, that I can’t pick up the phone and call him.  And I let myself cry, and feel my full-human-range of feelings. I grab some Kleenex, and keep the Kleenex industry going strong.

And sometimes I walk outside under the bright stars, and feel love, connection, celebration, and guidance, from that larger mystery, that now expresses my non-local Dad!

I think about how he played the violin as a boy, before I met him, and how he shared with me that sometimes he woke up surprised that he had been composing symphony music in his sleep.

I remember neat moments to me, like the chain of connection between various memories of him watching his beloved Star Trek, in the den, of my childhood home, and later in the Bay Area, where I lived near him, and decades later, in a miniature box, on his computer screen, in his office, in Indio.

I remember a reading my friend Daniel Fiverson gave him of Evolutionary Astrology, at OM Blessings, where he saw that as a soul, Dad set up his purpose, first becoming an engineer, and then a salesman, and finally publishing four books on humanity’s stellar origins, and our genetic heritage of the gods!

We were blessed to share in this life, of the man known to us as Marshall Klarfeld, Dad, Beloved, and more. He left a blazing star trail of beautiful gifts and treasures, that we now animate in our hearts and lives.  He bestowed a lot of LOVE into our dearly blessed hearts.

Thank you Dad, wherever you are now. I imagine you up there living in the Creator of ALL, and partaking in some truly stellar adventures.

As Arcturas Ra says, “see you on the flip side!”

We love you dearly!

We’re grateful for who you were and are, and all the ways that you uplifted each of us.

We celebrate setting you free, even while it is hard for us, in human form.  

We trust your ultimate freedom, and smile, imagining your divine adventures, connections, and conversations.

As Dolores Cannon’s regressions express, we trust you will and are truly enjoying your front row seat to the greatest show in the Universe, Earth and her ascension.

We think of you often, especially when friends share news of newly discovered planets and stars.

We love you!

See you on the flip side.

Say hello to our family, Nana, Grandpa Harold, Wally and Marge, Uncle Mike, Aunt Bobbie, George, Jay, Zechariah Sitchen, Linus Pauling, Richard Feynman, Dolores, Gene Roddenberry, Leonard Nimoy, Jesus, Buddha, Mother/Father God, the legions of Angels, Plato, Aristotle, William Shakespeare, Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Adam, Eve, Noah, Miguel de Cervantes, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Robin Williams, the ancient Chinese sages, and fill in the blanks right here… Mother Father Goddess, God... for us!

Mighty hugs from your Earthling Team.

May the “link” no longer be “missing," from your vantage point.


your Daughter Jen

Jennifer Lynn Klarfeld

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