Friday, August 3, 2018

Vianna Stibal: Divine Timing

This week I have been calling what Kamajou Tadfor​ endearingly named "the Jen​ Warp,"newly "Divine Time!" Today I am deeply moved, feeling precious success in my life, Soul Arts Practice, and current Healing Arts Sessions, including ThetaHealing by Vianna Stibal​ and Dolores Cannon' QHHT. The Multiverse guided and treated me to my Teacher, Vianna Stibal's Limitless Possibilities: Creating MORE Live Webinar today on Facebook.  

Here is my celebration of the dearly encoding experience, shared all around the world today, as well as a gift video of Vianna for all of us. "I'm feeling so blessed, and cherishing tuning in live, seeing and hearing you today, Vianna Stibal... Vianna SKY BALL, as someone once translated it, which made me smile, and I noted that is perfect, as Vianna is a SKY BALL, and helps us be and assist Soul Kin in MultiDimensional SkyBall Adventures!!! Overflowing with love and GRATITUDE here, feeling educated, renewed, feathers fluffed, humble, human, divine, manifestational and peaceful all in one swirl of Fabulous Creation.  

I am really moved by Vianna and your/her openness sharing your/her/our human imperfections, and how we signed up to allow/design some of these, to "play with" overcoming, through our human expressions.  Super Amazing.  GLORIOUS.  So Grateful... YES, Please, Thank You... More Please. I am really moved by the whole permission to celebrate our imperfections as drivers on the journey of Creation, right here, right now, on Earth.  

This Webinar inspired, transformed, and continues so, and I loved how endearing, encoding, mythical, and right down to Earth, practical and abundant it, Vianna, our ThetaHealing Community, and we ourselves are, as well as all the permission, encouragement, and empowerment, and pure focus and simplicity as it poured through, from the heart of Creation, through the heart of Vianna, through the Hearts of us Change Makers, Wayshowers and Light Stewards.  It reminds me how playful, succinct, and direct it all is and can be!  Glorious! Delighted to return and play with these shiny gifts and toys & share them open heartedly! Grateful and beaming with LOVE for you Vianna, Shiny Sparkly Team, and ALL!  Beautiful. Big Love Soul Kin... from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA!  

PS We really are (on) the leading edge of Creation. Thanks for reminding us Vianna!  YAY!!!!!!" - Jen Klarfeld - Lead Artist and Soul Artist at