Saturday, May 9, 2020

Soul Distancing: What is it? What is it Good for?

This YouTube video, "Soul Distancing as a Method of Dealing with Narcissists" by Dr. Ramani came to me today, tuning into YouTube, amidst the tail end of the Global Pandemic Quarantine. 

I had spun out of my center, and into a weird level of downward spiraling, infighting, and multidimensional info wars, over recent days, over a film called blasting across YouTube, and Facebook, upsetting the applecart of the mainstream 80% or so of the human population, on social media.

The joke is that I thought I could openly share this, and most people would grateful, or see it as I do, as truth. Well some did, and some didn't, and many treated me like I was endangering humanity and had to stop. What? Suddenly I'm not allowed to like a documentary movie, because it has a lot of corporate owned media rallying against it, dominant powers continue pulling posts about it down, off of corporate owned Google owned YouTube and Facebook. Guess what people? I am allowed to like and share whatever I resonate with. I have free will.
Here is my comment on Dr. Ramani's YouTube post. It feels more appropriate as a whole blog post!

Ah, Dr. Ramani, Thank you so much for this incredibly timely helpful guidance. I rewound a lot, relished, took in your insights, and am pleasantly stunned. I will come back and review this some more, and share it too. Your guidance on Soul Distancing feels like salve to my soul. 

I am an adoptee, an adult child of divorce, and had an unusually gentle honoring Father, and when he divorced my Mom, when I was 10, I was left alone with my Mother, who inspired me indirectly to follow your videos. So part of me that had a dear and gentle, honoring, loving kind father, is so overly open with my soul, that most of what you are stating here never dawns on me, naturally. Still it makes such great sense! I am wired to share the best of me with others, mostly all the time without question. I mostly don't assert discernment, in that the mainstream humans do not come from the precious place of their whole soul, as a main priority. That's not mainstream priority or training. I have old habits of trying to fill up manipulators, bosses, the public, clients, men, friends, acquaintances, strangers, service people, and unknowns on social media, and who gets left out of the equation? Me, of course! Classic co-dependency. 

Then I internalized all the not good enough, parent your parent, hopeless, helpless, insecurity patterns from growing up as in my single parent household, with my suburban theater star, more materially identified, at times, Narcissistic Mother. So this is super interesting and informative to me.

Have been studying all this stuff for years. I relate as an empath, and to Starseed phenomenon, as in my work facilitating QHHT, a very deep expression of Hypnotherapy, where the guidance comes through the client, at the regression's end. 

Over recent days I shared what some call conspiracy theory, of a film called "Plandemic." About 20% of the public are open to these possibilities, I see as truths. Yet I openly shared posts on Facebook about what I see as validity in these matters. It became a total shit show, as so many more mainstream people, from relatives of local friends, to a kid I went to grade school with, to an amazing friend from almost 20 years ago, felt threatened, attacked, and ended up hurling a bunch of abuse at me, just in the recent few days. 

I woke up to a warning Facebook Messenger e-mail, from a fellow QHHT facilitator, whom I barely know, informing me of these attacking, verbally abusive, condescending, controlling remarks, by the adult kid from my grade school birthday parties. I erased her posts, hid the tags, and went through an elaborate process to take a vacation from our friendship, and checked a box for Facebook to remove all tags and posts between she and I. 

I did use Soul Distancing, in that I was mad, and knew better than to feed her anything, directly. There is a big energetic divide and split in the world right now. I invested hours in sharing my soul very fully, in responding to old friends I barely know, and their attacks, as it became a huge muddy pit of energy sucking time that I wasted. In the end, I made a statement denouncing the bullying, and inviting people to continue the hate and negativity and abuse on their own private walls instead. I erased all the poisonous attacks, and expressed a post about what I learned sinking into the muck and mud of human discord, for so many hours. 

After I updated and set boundaries, and swept my space, so to speak, it became very calm, like my peaceful back yard, during the pandemic. All the soulful people came out, and shared beautiful encouragement, and related, truth teller posts. One said "I wrote a book on this very topic." And one thanked me and said "I think you're brilliant as f*ck," which I wasn't seeking out, yet still love! May consider this on my headstone: "She was brilliant as f*ck, and made it all up as she went along!" A lot of words to say, yes this is so up right now, in America, and around our world, as so many have been trained that the Narcissists win, and that emulating their abusive manipulation tactics is a path to success. So I really love and rejoice in this healing guidance. And I love learning from the experience where I felt free baring my soul to my 3,000 and some friends of every eclectic level and type of interest, and party line, as it then, totally backfired into an info war. 

Then I followed my heart, and held my ground, and celebrated my right to express my truth. Still I want to make art, and take walks, and live a balance that does not come when I am leaking my soul to a big fat pack of fearful hungry wolves. Nothing against wolves! So it's a fine line to walk, as I want to allow my full expressive self, and live a loud and allowed. I just don't want to take abuse from so many detractors.

So thank you so very dearly. I may rise and fall a lot on this learning curve. I have felt this increase for social discernment, during these shifts, and quarantine time. And you hit the nail on the head, naming it, and pointing out the poisons, when the attackers on offense spot, target and suck off of my openess, and big light. 

Oh, wait, all this juicy energy of mine is not for you guys, until I write a book, or blog that you can buy, and read, or not! 

After it all of that, I wrote about something I have been pondering lately. I've been recalling memories of being 7, on the playground, at school, when the boys were into kooties, and raiding and capturing girls to be kidnnaped to the boys' kooties fort. I remember it disturbed me to the core. Likely triggered my primal adoption wound too. I still remember breaking down and crying, and saying "no, let me go, I don't want to play this." And there we have one of my illustrious, early childhood, soul distancing experiences! 

And so I spoke of this in a lighter way, saying take your infighting back to your own kooties forts and caves, as I don't want to play, "let you control me." It's not fun! No way! 

So thank you, Dr. Ramani, as this is very timely, and very new to me, even though intuitively I know and practice some of this. A lot of words today, to say, wow, wonderful, yes, awesome ideas and guidance. Thank you! 

You are right. The gray rocking technique, and no contact even, seem more flat and generic, and feel a bit more inauthentic as practices unto themselves. What you are describing here, with Soul Distancing, is more about knowing one's full worth, seeing the mass population, and obvious Narcissists and manipulators for who they really are, and not making my soul a big plate for them to feed on. And seeing the rewards that come of real true authentic connection, when I change my settings of who I am, not to throw most of it away, on people who don't even have the ability to value themselves and life, highly enough to value me. Wow! I love the popularity, and engagement of your YouTube video post, in only 24 hours. Super amazing!

So that's my post, Y'all. The recent few days, energies, as well as what's emerging, and being exposed is a much longer story. Yet I have other tasks to get to today. Did I really learn the lessons on Soul Distancing, as expressed here in Dr. Ramani's video. I admit I have more practice, review, consideration, and integration to invest.

I feel we are in tender times. I feel that having both these experiences, and knowledge of this new concept, Soul Distancing, I have learned some new resources. I have learned to share in more aware, honest, simple ways. I have learned from the harsh effects of how some have dealt with me, that when I post a comment honestly on other friend's social media posts, I do my best to be really clean, open, honest, and respectful, and let them know, I hold a different opinion, and still love and respect you as the individual you are. Or that was well articulated, and I may look into some of that, and still I have my own differing opinion on the individual, movie, info, video, etc.

Last night I felt into how much we are called on to have mercy right now, on all of humanity, as we are shoved into these challenging global, local and national initiations. Friends reminded me of the states of fear, shock, panic, division, pain and sadness, rage and helplessness and hopelessness humans are circulating through right now. I added some. I am grateful that we are also feeling and sharing experiences and expressions of Grace, uplift, upshift, encouragement, empowerment, love, caring, unity, concern, trust, faith, prayer, good will, kind actions, courage, sharing, liberty, justice, clarity, and gratitude, right now too.

I see the Corona Virus challenge as a sacred sanctuary, time out - time in for many, as a reboot for Mama Gaia, and for us Humans, as a rite of passage, an initiation, a unify-er, and as holding space as a catalyst for the Great Shift, and the Great Awakening into the New Earth timeline, process, prophesy, and experience.

I am sad for all the devastation, pain, plague, sickness, death, and destruction, inherent in all this chaos, curently circling our world, as this virus. I do believe the virus is a co-creation of a man-made, predatory bio-warfare plan.

Stay tuned if you wish to, as I share more on future posts.

Still I recommend the work, guidance, music, art, and supportive YouTube and social media platforms and videos and guidance of the following Wayshowers:

David Wilcock

Divine Cosmos 

Nora Herold 

Lorie Ladd

Dolores Cannon 

Julia Cannon

QHHT Official

Beyond Quantum Healing

Allison Coe

Michael James Garber

Ron Amit

Paul Luftenegger

Jen Klarfeld

Jeff Roland

Laura Tarnoff

Sandra Ingerman


Matt Kahn

Era of Peace

Kevin Moore

Lauren Galey

Magenta Pixie

Laura Eisenhower

Jeva Uqualla

Dr Judy Mikovits

Lisa A Romano

Dr. Ramani

Dr. Les Carter

Dr. Gabor Mate

Nahko Bear

Rising Appalachia

Dr. Rashid Buttar

Mike Adams

Pamela Aaralyn

JP Sears

Our Everyday Lives

Vananda Shiva

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai 

Thrive the Movie

Thrive the Movement

Plandemic the movie

and countless more, in no particular order at all!

I don't have all the answers! Still I relish so much we are learning, and how much we are growing, individually, and as one big human family on Earth, right now!

Peace Love and Authenticity, Blessed Beloved Ones!


Jen Klarfeld

1 comment:

  1. Nicely put Jen. Glad to see you are learning to set healthy boundaries to protect your tender heart and soul. Sadly it is necessary due the existence of predatory beings. Some say that 4% of males and 2% of females have this personality type of a Sociopath/Narcissist. I spend much time in my practice helping others extricate themselves from this type of person in their life that rarely adds any value and instead causes much destruction to the mind/body/soul complex.....person. Thank you for baring your soul and finding a safer forum for yourself.
