Hello Beloved Soul Kin,
Well, we humans of the world, are traversing this Global Pandemic, bracing for new, unexpected changes in the decade of 2020. We've never seen anything like this, in our current generations. Simultaneously so many cultures and people are being deeply triggered, and wounds of families, cultures, nations, current lifetimes, and past/parallel lives are getting wildly triggered. Old systems are abruptly being exposed, shaken, and leveled, as we are living through the dismantling, and crashes to the old empires, patriarchy, predatory structures, hierarchies, power over systems, wars, and imbalances of a dying Earthly cycle.
We are watching and living, straddling multiple worlds, bombarded by seeming threats to survival of self, loved ones, friends, family and friends of friends, associates, beloved singer songwriters, health, peace, safety, finances, control, planning, and choice, and the uprooting and crash of most of the most of the structures we depend on daily, to function as individuals, families, nations, cultures, and as a human collective. The news is filled with realities to horrify you, and all whomever watches and listens.
On the flip side, we are birthing a new frequency on Mama Gaia, as has been prophesied in indigenous cultures, world religions, by Seers and Prophets, and Starseed circles and channelings, across time and space, and beyond. New levels of cooperation, unity, compassion, love and care are rising, as many of us partake in the gifts of time within ourselves, in our homes, and with our friends and family, near and far.
Old systems I felt locked into, and choiceless within, all temporarily cracked open and kicked me to the curb of new freedoms, challenges and choices, now, and moving forward.
I've ridden the rollercoaster of shifting fears, and emotions, offenses, defenses, fight, fright or freeze, reactions, and new opportunities, to break out of old patterns of freezing up, hiding out, playing small, feeling powerless, helpless, hopeless, procrastinating, and disconnecting from my Self and my Soul gifts, throughout challenges of the recent five years, my whole life, and and through this global pandemic and all its changes. I've partaken in distractions, operating below basic survival, and other basic human downward spirals, playing hide and seek with the wholeness of my soul, while playing human being.
I've felt feelings of Grace, love, unification, healing, energies rising, compassion, deep connection, and emergence, within my being, in our community circles, our nations, in the human collective, and our larger world.
I've felt new levels of freedom and playfulness, empowerment and choice to change, and support from infinite, un-trackable Sources. I have sat, frozen disallowing so much of the playfulness I know I am truly here to unleash and live, as shackles of old traumas, PTSD, situational challenges, survival pressures, and pure fear, have stopped me in my tracks, to conform, when I actually came in wired to lead!
"What is real and true?" We are all likely asking this daily through this mass initiation! And being present in the moment, is mostly what's true, as all our bigs plans and intensions are resting on shifting sands, and seismic shifts, shut downs, and invitations to tune in.
I am especially grateful for so much freedom being ignited now, free time, free bills, for the interim of freedom from income. So many beloved teachers, mystics, and guides are offering of their soul gifts for free, ushering in classes, tele-conferences, free painting lessons, free movement classes, free concerts, free lessons, free miracles, free Starseed zoom offerings, free global meditations, free mask making tutorials, and free shamanic group healings, and even free tutorials of how to deal with difficult emotions, relationships, people, and more. It's infinite, how much music, mysticism, guidance and comfort, is bubbling up through compassionate kind, reverent human incarnates, and the Spirit Teams behind us all!
Many of us are steeping in this gift of time for supreme self care, nature, home life, comfort, life choice, and self expression. We are feeling guidance from within, and fellow wisdom keepers are confessing to resting, meditating, and napping whenever we feel moved too!
I am realizing, amidst the information I am consciously choosing to engage in, that the human collective overall, has been living in very upside down ways, in disordered, diseased spells, as Nora Herold highlighted, last night, on the Beyond the Ordinary Show teleconference with John Bergos. I am looking deeply at how upside down and inside out, and displaced, and out of my own authority, I have been living.
I am grateful to friends and guides, including Laura Tarnoff, Nora Herold, John Bergos, Lorie Ladd, Petra: Magenta Pixie, David and Elizabeth Wilcock, SARK, Matt Kahn, Sandra Ingerman, my QHHT Family, my ThetaHealing Family, my Earthwalker Family, Gabor Mate, Ron Amit, and Michael James Garber of Transformotion and New Earth Ascending, inspiring artists, mystics, family, friends, Soul Kin, and more. I am grateful to friends working as nurses, doctors, dentists, grocery store clerks, delivery people, drugstore clerks, as well as comedians, musicians, painters, dancers, singer songwriters, poets, DJ's therapists, Starseed Guides, Creator, healers, mystics, shamans, Seers, and regular mom's and dad's and families, teens, elders, babies, and all. I'm grateful for truth tellers, known and new.
I am grateful for this timely, crazy, peaceful rollercoaster of a reboot. I'm grateful for extra time to tune in, and explore what brings me joy, who am I truly?, what do I wish to invest my soul energies in now, and emerging forward, and how best to proceed.
Last night I participated in an amazing experience, tuning into a brilliant, funny, on point, free, live video teleconference on John Bergos' Beyond the Ordinary, BTO Show, Featuring Nora Herold and the Pleiadians. There were 300 or so Starseed participants. It was revolutionary, precious, dear, spectacular, and amazing. Nora reassured us, in closing, that we don't need a formal Channeler to receive support, help and guidance form the Pleiadians, we are connected, directly, all the time. Here are some highlights of the rich aftermath of my experience, as I posted on a Facebook event post of Nora Herold's.
Keep reading, to share my experience of mysterious benevolent lights in the sky, as I encountered them in the dark of this morning's pre-dawn starry sky!
Thank you John Burgos, Nora Herold & Team. I can’t wait to experience the replay. Something shifted in me, listening & participating. I spearheaded a project of unboxing 12 + boxes of books in my healing space, as had been trapped in cardboard boxes
over 4 or so years, after some interior adobe work, that was never finished completely. I started late, so I pulled an all nighter, winding down about 4:44 am. I went outside to drag my recycling bin to the street.
I live in a Santa Fe, NM suburb, and we have covenants that restrict our night lighting to better showcase the starry skies. I noticed feeling so blessed tuning in and marveling the starry beauty. As I looked up I saw this procession, 1 “star” followed by a 2nd, a third, a 4th. I stood in my driveway, counting 11 of these slow moving silent star looking UFOS, 🛸completely awe struck.
I dragged the recycle ♻️bin out to the street, and walked back, and watched more. I thought "they can’t be planes,
️ as they're silent, and way too high up. I watched until the last one traveled from near the Big Dipper, in the Northwest diagonally across the sky, towards the moon
in the Southeast. I lost count, yet it felt like I witnessed 20 - 25 of these slow, steady traveling lights. I asked “who are you?” And I heard "Emissaries of Light." I came in about 5:08, and was up in the awe of it for another hour, as sunrise began.
So thank you P’s, human guide friends, and team. That was one of the most magical light experiences I’ve ever had! Definitely thought of my Star Family, and the call, and am ever so grateful!!
Not only do we have access to these Emissaries of Light, we are them! What a beautiful offering to honor my own reconnection. What a precious gift. We are all emissaries. We are all this Precious Gift! Blessings and mighty mighty love, Precious Hearts, Precious Souls, Precious Kin! I love you dearly! We're here, and we are blessed, no matter how the crazy circumstances keep rocking our boats! So deeply blessed! Love and wholeness, Precious Light Emissaries!
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