Thursday, March 30, 2017

"I Am Not Your Negro" Is Not Just a Movie!

What is Power?

One of the core themes of the human hero's journey: the polarities of abject powerlessness and the struggle there in, the shallow power of power over others, for lack of ability to source true power balance and love within, and the glorious road onward to discovering the true depth of empowerment, by way of learning who we truly are!

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.” ―
Alice Walker 

Writer and Wise Woman Alice Walker by Jennifer Esperanza #AliceWalker #TheColorPurple #JenniferEsperanza
Alice Walker Photograph,
shared with permission of the Artist: www.Jennifer
Author Activist Alice Walker

After the amazing shared exploration tonight of the film "I Am Not Your Negro," a highly explosive, deep, and simultaneously gentle, initiatory, disturbing, beautiful, transformative eye opener!

The introduction by and Karen Jones Meadows, panel and audience perceptions and responses, all made an indelible impact on me.

Powerhouse Karen Jones Meadows of
sharing her personal memories and a beautiful written passage of her own.

What I feel, think, and take from the film, the featured artist, and the energies and contributions of all behind the film, our history American, African and Global history, and all of us who were blessed, graced and intensified to take it in, is not a dead, pre-packaged, set reaction, it's one of the most profound gifts of the film. I'd describe it as so uniquely original, real, true and unexpected, that the take away is a living response, like an invitation, that feels equal parts initiatory... and very dearly without end.

James Baldwin really surprised me!

It's a little hard to put into world, yet it was the opposite of the way a modern museum is biased, deadening, and often re-appropriating cultures inappropriately.

The film was and is a deep and impactful Living experience, directly from the heart and Source of one of the more original, arresting and pertinent voices I have ever heard!

It's a film you could watch a hundred times and have a whole new experience each time.
It is a film I can watch once, yet it lives on sparking new ways of seeing, infinitely!  
I look forward to sharing it, watching it, and living with the life of this creation, informing me from within.

Cameroonian and Global Artist and Activist Issa Nyaphaga

Thank you James Baldwin and Friends. I can honestly say I feel... appreciate... and am moved to tears and to deeper connections in living this film.

Documentary seems to small a word.

While it is different from the Grand Canyon, seeing this film, feels more on the scale of the Grand Canyon, as opposed to a photo attempting to express the Grand wonders of the real physical expanse.

My best descriptions are two.  It's beyond description!
And it is a remarkable living and most provocative reality.
It's really a living being... a truly surprising living being, that shares a transmission that lives on with anyone who opens to it, and likely more!
That's the best way I can wrap words around tonight.

Author, Visionary, and Trailblazer in the Human Consciousness Movement Wanda Padia

I have more awe filled feelings.

Really wowed and grateful!

It did not read like a documentary on a person, nor a documentary on a people. It was more. It is somehow this living expression that penetrates your soul, and embodies the soul of the artist, and the tribe of African American Humanity expressed in a wholly original way!


Thank you Issa Nyaphaga and Victoria Scott for inviting me... and everyone for cooperatively receiving this with me.

People attending spoke out against power, gave voice to trauma, explained what feels uniquely torturous and traumatizing about aspects of the experience of being black, brown, and or non-white in America.

The film addressed so much my mind is building new compartments to organize and hold it all!

When Karen Jones Meadows shared her true heart and experiences, I felt like I could have spent a whole week listening and relishing the real, what, how, and soul of all she said!

Thank you

It was at times uncomfortable to feel and hear the experiences of what people with darker hued African genes, hair and or skin, have often been trained to protect the rest of us, from letting us know what they really think, and what they feel, observe, experience, and wonder about the outwardly non-African Americans.

Then there were the layers below, of what each of us feels and thinks about racism, prejudice, hate, projection, deflection, victimhood, tyranny, the slave class, and more.

I felt hurt that sometimes the hate and racism invades and infiltrates the African American peoples, within their culture, and that the hurt is so deep as to cause reverse racism, which includes more hate. And now I feel more tenderness and awareness to allow space for all of this, in new ways.

Powerful post movie panel featuring Humanity Activist Creatives
Poet Ebony Isis Booth:
Empowering Actress & Community Leader Karen Jones Meadows
And Activist, Poet, Writer Darryl Lorenzo Wellington

Such very tender human experiences expanding! 

I like that there's no real end to it, to the movie's gifts of expanding the witnessing audience's experience, and perceptions.

Human Identification. Such a fascinating, complex, scary, rich, tragic, and triumphant ride!

I step forward, deeply and truly moved by how courageous we are to live out these tests and experiences, and how brilliant and compassionate to find ways to straddle so many distinctive worlds, sometimes alone, and sometimes together.

To be led into something so private, while all together, with so much training against feeling and voicing our true differences, synchronicity, feelings and experiences... blew the walls right off this heart of mine!  Perhaps like layers of an onion, mine and those of us who shared this experience will continue experimenting with such personal walls, and allowing more and more to shed as snakes shed their skin, so we can understand and know each other, each one's experience, ourselves and our worlds even better.  So we can actively participate in transforming co-creating and uplifting it.

Living Cultural Bridge, African Art Purveyor and more: Victoria Scott

Amazed, surprised, blessed, graced and awed... fully and truly!


I am reminded that humans are tribal peoples. Tribes enslave and exclude, project and experience, and pass on superstitions... sometimes.

Simultaneously tribes love, protect, steward, celebrate, nourish, care and cooperate.

Let us remember to be the inclusive, curious, celebratory and welcoming tribe!
Let us keep our wonder alive. Let us share this in honoring ways!

Another great milestone. With no official leaders, referees, therapists or specialists, I feel we broke through a lot of old walls tonight. Walls I tend to forget, negate, or deny exist, until I open up, watch, see, share, feel and listen.

America is a lightseed of Grace onto this living Planet, like no other. Tonight we definitely witnessed her bloom!

Crying again, as this living soul of a movie... opens and awakens love, in and through me!

There was far more to the experience, and  experience shared.  Still Some of it lives on within, informing me, and prompting me to renew my outlook, look into people even more deeply, listen better, and value and appreciate people even more now.

So blessed!  May we continue opening to and sharing blessing.  May we continue teaching, expressing, activating, relishing and learning together.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Space Where American Race Relations and Galactic Multidimensionality Meet and Welcome Each One Home

I was moved tonight, spontaneously tuning into this very informative, provocative, exceptional radio interview of American Spiritual Leader, Author, and Leader of African Diaspora Awareness, Human Focused Activism, and Global Understanding, Michael Eric Dyson.

The program showcased Michael's new book, "The Tears We Can't Stop, A Sermon to White America," shedding light of blind spots and curves on the road of race identification, denial, challenges, and understandings in America.

I have to straddle different worlds within our unified world and evolving unified, and otherwise young nation, to fully hear, traverse, value, honor, validate, this Wayshower observations, feelings, prayers, teachings, truth, community and wisdom, and still come home to honor where my truth is also unique, at times complimentary, and in instances, possibly contradictory, yet simultaneously inclusive and not contradictory. It was fascinating learning new concepts and word pairings, including "white masks" and "white folks," which I love!

It was equally fascinating exploring how I both honor what he shared, and also hold my own, possibly equally rare view, and patching together a space to celebrate, hold, and honor both, beyond and including their seeming contradictions!

Here is my Earthly, Still Multidimensional response.
I find both his exploration and mine, really true and beautiful!

"Dear Beloved Wayshower Michael.
I am here sharing my honoring, appreciation and gratitude of who you are, and the words, truth, and tree shaking you are birthing forth in this world. Provocative in times that, while they seem insane, are actually filled with, and based on the blind rage of war tactics and the investment in separation brainwashing, as in divide, rape, pillage, kill, enslave, imprison and conquer the enemy, of so much of the conquering race's history.

I am fascinated.

One of my teachers taught me, there is no such thing as young and old souls on this planet. It's a complicated place, and we have all lived many lifetimes to play in this strategic Earth School Play! This resonates as truth to me.

I appreciate everything you opened up and gave voice to, as I tuned in to most of your radio interview on my favorite public radio, KUNM, here in New Mexico, tonight. Missed a sliver of the beginning, only.

I bless your courage and your heart, and gauge the truth, and the blind corners, so to speak, that much of our socialization as Americans has often kept well hidden.

I am a real book lover, and would love to read your book 📚, track your vision, and listen to more of your unique, and under-circulated wisdom and truths. Blessings with your gifts, soul, vision, your own community, communities, and ours shared.

I found my way through some neck pain, in my 20's to a life changing hypnotherapy session. One thing led to another, and I was initiated to learning this Soul Expansion toolkit, from a truly one of a kind, motivational, inspiring Fire and Brimstone Baptist Minister, who found his way to teach and run a school, in San Leandro, CA, and later other great pioneers in my field.

Over my years of study, shamanic journeying, hypnotherapy training, exploration, and practice I have experienced myself as, male, female, Assyrian slave, African slave, Bored Aristocratic French Wife, Focused African Desert Trailblazer, Dutch Candy Maker, Peaceful Gypsy Guitarist, East Indian bread baker, Chinese peasant farmer, Egyptian Queen, Tibetan Monk, Maori sacrificial Virgin, Plains Indian, Rain Forest Shaman, Roman Opera Composer, Sacrificial East Indian Agitator, Mayan Shapeshifter, Japanese Father & Husband, as well as one of the last good Roman Emperors. I have also recalled, and guided Explorers to recall lives beyond the Earth Plane.

I have watched outwardly African American women, and Outwardly European, Native American, South American and Czech, people, to name a few, regress back to lives as half bird, half human, pre-conquest history, to interstellar wars, to many glimpses into the global prophesy of Earth timelines of solidarity, unity, justice, Love, peace and harmony.

I have seen white people, and black people regress to lives as African Slaves in America, and carry both the gifts and traumas of such lives and subconscious memories forward.

As rare and radical as your views may be perceived by many, I can relate! As one of thousands or maybe millions of aware indigo kids, grown up, on Earth, it's been a unique gift, blessing, and challenge to know I am all races, and the actress and actor in the play of cultures and star races gathered on this magnificent planet and challenging dimension.

While adopted, and raised Jewish, I have learned that from a broader perspective, on this planet, that people raised or trained to hate a specific perceived "other" group of people, as say the Nazi German Soldiers were trained to hate the gypsies, Jews, and non white peoples, pretty much buy themselves a guaranteed ticket to come back and star ⭐️ in the Earth School Play as exactly the other they bought into hating, the last round.

So the vicious cycle churns onward, as dictators hate the dictated over, and the Nazi's hate the Jews, and the Jews hate the Muslims, and the Muslims hate the American Haters, and the Christian White Conservatives hate women, darker skinned people, and those from the places that trigger their classism and racism, while the White supremacists hate on the black Americans, and the Black Americans hold the racist white invader race to blame for their ongoing enslavement and conquest.

What rich dramatic roles, and identifications this all locks into habitualization.

If you ever wish to open such inner doors, 🚊I would love to learn how you hold this, and what book you would open to writing then.

Meanwhile I will remain open and honoring of your trailblazing path, awareness, contributions, provocations, and truths alike.

I will not be able to go backwards, and forget what I have been shown, led to know, feel, hear and see, within, through focused states of attention, and facilitating explorers, out beyond the boundaries of male dominated, mind over heart dominated systems, and habituation.

Still I value what you are uprooting, exposing, explaining, and shining your soul, scholarly, and faith based light upon.
I am grateful, and so proud of us.

There is madness raging across the human family. And still I am proud of us!

Most of us seem to know less, than more about who we are. Still I have faith that in our shared exploration, that learning who we are, is exactly the medicine and solution to finding our purpose, and creating a human shared victory, that begins to make us as proud of our human family, as we are of our amazingly beautiful world.

Peace, love and appreciation to and for all of who you are. And mighty blessings, sharing your powerful, and empowering Sermon, Validation, Valuing, Renewal, Love, Understanding, and Home Welcoming Invitation, and Living African, European, and Global Diaspora Praise Poem to all who open to learn from, enrich by, and hear it!
Heart felt fascination and Thank You's!

May your "Divinity in Motion," unify, uplift, encourage and awaken too many Sisters and Brothers to count! 

Praise be... in Creation's Love! ❤️

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
