www.aztecufo.com I will be assisting my father, Marshall Klarfeld, author of "Adam the Missing Link," at this conference in Aztec New Mexico, Friday Night and Saturday March 25 & 26, 2011. My dad will present a powerpoint presentation on his books, discoveries, and his lifelong quest to discover who we are, and where we originate from.
Marshall Klarfeld, Author of "Adam the Missing Link" |
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www.adamthemissinglink.com |
www.adamthemissinglink.com My dad's website for his book, shedding light on our origins from the stars. Marshall describes his book as a Life Magazine style overview of the research of Scholar Zecariah Sitchen, including Marshall's own experience of unquenchable curiosity about life, god, humanity's origins and more.
www.sfwellness-expo.com The second in a wonderful growing series of wellness expos in Santa Fe, at La Tienda, in Eldorado. The next free expo will be Saturday April 16, 2011. I will be exhibiting and facilitating my SOUL TOTEM art making process, featuring a ThetaHealing visualization process, engaging the explorer in a unique process, allowing the Creator of All that is, to reveal an empowering image attuned with the individuals soul. The individual will create the image as a unique multicolored drawing, anchoring their soul's unique gifts and colors.
www.wakeupnowconference.com Pioneer in the fields of Lost Knowledge, DNA upgrades, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Humanity's Starseed History, True Age Publishing & Past Life Regression, Dolores Cannon, will be the headlining Presenter at the Wake Up Now Conference, coming to Albuquerque, NM, April 29, 30 and May 1, 2011. I will be assisting her throughout this conference.
Thunderbird Woman Soul Totem Painting by Jen Klarfeld |
www.thequestabq.com I will one of the healing facilitators exhibiting at this new venue, The Quest ABQ: Mind, Body & Spirit Expo, Sunday May 22, 2011, at the Marriott Pyramid in Albuquerque, NM.
www.trailblazingtransformation.com Feel welcome to visit my website to learn more about how Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis, ThetaHealing and related toolkits can assist you in Blazing the Infinite SOURCE within. Call for a free consultation. 505-660-5511.
www.dolorescannon.com Visit Dolores Cannon's website for uplifting videos on who we truly are, why we came to Earth, what 2012 and the New Earth are really about, and how Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a powerful catalyst for accessing one's life purpose, quantum healing, guidance and more, all from the SOURCE Self.
Answers to questions about Dolores Cannon's appearance and visit to New Mexico.
Q: Can I pay a reduced rate to see only Dolores Cannon, at the Wake Up Now Conference?
A: The whole 3 day conference is priced at $115 or $125, yet no, there are no partial conference, single speaker, or one day passes, or pricing. There are price breaks for multiple tickets purchased together.
Q: WIll Dolores Cannon be booking Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions, while in New Mexico.
A: No, Dolores has a firm policy, that while traveling, she does not book private sessions. She has a waiting list of at least six months, or more, and sessions directly with her, can be booked through her office in Arkansas. Her main focus now is speaking and teaching all over the world. She will present at the Conference on Saturday April 30, flying in for that day only. I am happy to consult with individuals who are interested, of how I facilitate this work, as trained by Dolores Cannon, and how your specific goals would be met.
Q: Regarding books by Dolores Cannon, will her new book "The Convoluted Universe Book Four" be available for purchase, at the conference, or on-line soon? What Books and DVD's will be available?
A: I am told that the new book "The Convoluted Universe Book Four," featuring the information on the three waves of volunteers and the new earth, is still being written, and therefore the book is not yet published. So no, the book will not be available, at the Wake Up Now Conference. The latest book published is still "Five Lives Remembered, Dolores' first book written, and last book published. I am guessing she will bring relevant books, DVD's and more, to sell.
Dolores explains that she has been told that merely having her books on one's shelf, shifts them vibrationally. We have found great truth in this, as before I was formally trained by Dolores Cannon, my Explorers both reading her books, and hearing her lectures, began spontaneously popping off planet, to higher dimensions, lives on other stars, and planets, and more. They receive downloads, healing guidance, DNA upgrades and more. I am greatly awed throughout, before, during and after training with Dolores Cannon. I drop into great awe and gratitude, each and every time I facilitate the grand gift of accessing the all knowing, healing power of the Explorer's SOURCE self, and seeing the changes manifest from within.
Jen Klarfeld, CCHt, ThetaHealer & Soul Totem Facilitator |
Dolores Cannon & Jen Klarfeld |
Thank you. Please visit specific website links for dates, times, fees and info on all upcoming offerings.
Some events have a limited capacity, so you are encouraged to reserve space in advance.
Your website is having lot of very good information. It is helpful to all the new people. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThanks & Regards,