Saturday, September 19, 2009

Now I have a blog! Hip Hip Hooray!

Now I have a blog. Hip Hip Hooray!

I Love sharing & listening to & with humanity.

Now I have a blog, and I always have some new insights to share and to say!

I have mastered myspace, facebook, twitter, & more. Still now I have a blog, and can blog forevermore.

Once I had a website, when I traveled to Cameroon. Yet now I am back home in Santa Fe, and am new to

So, as I juggle a big group art show this weekend, and the auspicious start to my soulful hypnotherapy business, Trailblazing Transformation, the new Jewish year of 5770, the new energies of our Earthly journey and more, I am gleeful to play here, and proudly announce, "I have a blog!"

My journals are like empires, some alive and some lost. And I feel so incredibly good about all of this now, as I have a blog.

Looking forward to exploring around, and learning what friends old & new do with a blog!

Much LOVE & LIGHT to our virtual Kin


1 comment:

  1. Go Jen Go!!!!!
    Thanks for the welcome!!
    I've been thinking I want a blog, too.
    You are the Trailblazer!!
    You got me into Facebook, thanks again.
    And now I am inspired again...
    Good Job!!!
    Many blessings and Much Love,
